Dapp Pages
Customizable profile pages that have Dapp functionalities instead of static social media pages.
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Customizable profile pages that have Dapp functionalities instead of static social media pages.
Last updated
3VO believes that social pages should not be static boring pages. Instead, we want to transform social pages into dynamic, customizable Dapps that best suits the creators' niche, turning content into experiences.
With 3eator, users can create their own Dapps using no-code tools, and pre-built templates. They can choose the functionality they need from ready-modules, or select get extensions for the store for added or custom functionality.
Examples of Dapps you can build with 3VO:
News journal
Photo gallery
Video stream
De-commerce (decentralized commerce)
Education courses
Trading page (with copy trading)
Restaurant Dapps (with menu, orders, and reward tokens)
Meme Community Dapps